Each exciting set provides storytelling play as kids play the hero and use their Hot Wheels cars to battle and stunt to save the day. Battle the alligator hiding in the Gator Garage Attack Play Set, defeat the bat hiding in the abandoned house, and don't get caught by the swinging spider in the park! Down at the dock you'll have to escape the tentacles of the giant octopus and beware the giant scorpion's sting at the drive-thru restaurant! Each of these 5 Hot Wheels City sets connects to other Hot Wheels City sets and is compatible with orange track, too. Includes one Hot Wheels vehicle.
- Zapatos de Mujer
- Zapatos de Hombre
- Relojes
- Joyas
- Lentes de Sol
- Accesorios
- Mochilas, Maletas y Bolsos
- Ropa de Mujer
- Ropa de Hombre
- Juguetes
- Tech Deck
- Legos
- Juegos de Mesa
- Computadoras
- Tecnología
- Herramientas y Mejoras del Hogar
- Behringer
- Hogar y Cuidado Personal
- Mundo Detailing
- Repuestos y Accesorios para Vehículos
- Mundo Scooters
- Peaky Blinders
- Mundo Gamers
- AirSoft
Each exciting set provides storytelling play as kids play the hero and use their Hot Wheels cars to battle and stunt to save the day. Battle the alligator hiding in the Gator Garage Attack Play Set, defeat the bat hiding in the abandoned house, and don't get caught by the swinging spider in the park! Down at the dock you'll have to escape the tentacles of the giant octopus and beware the giant scorpion's sting at the drive-thru restaurant! Each of these 5 Hot Wheels City sets connects to other Hot Wheels City sets and is compatible with orange track, too. Includes one Hot Wheels vehicle.
Copyright 2015-2024 FullCompras.cl Diseño y Desarrollo por Pasillo Digital
Sitio esta optimizado para ser visto en Google Chrome, Firefox y Safari - No es compatible con versiones de Internet Explorer - Juegos de Mesa
- Zapatos de Hombre
- Zapatos de Mujer